Tag: WorldCon 76

  • Event Overview: WorldCon 76, San Jose, Calif.

    Event Overview: WorldCon 76, San Jose, Calif.

    Episode 10

    Christopher and Carma attended WorldCon 76 in San Jose, Calif. It was Christopher’s first and Carma’s second WorldCon (World Science Fiction Convention). Here are their reactions.

    Event Overview: WorldCon 76, San Jose, Calif. | C-Squared
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    Schedule of Events C-Squared Attended

    WorldCon 76 logoRegistration opened on Wednesday, Aug. 15, at 2pm.
    Events began on Thursday, Aug. 16, at 9 am.
    Opening Ceremony began Thursday, 5 pm.

    We arrived at the convention at the tail end of the Opening Ceremony.

    There were numerous panels, events, and activities each hour. Here is what we went to:

    Thursday, Aug. 16, 2018:

    8 pm, Retro Hugos Party
    This event awarded the 1943 Hugos for work released in 1942.

    Friday, Aug. 17, 2018:

    10 am, “If This, Then What?” Panel on alternate histories

    11 am, Tour of the convention

    1 pm, “Un-Pulping the Pulp Heroes”, Panel on the Pulps

    3 pm, Birds of a Feather meeting with fellow Christians

    5 pm,”The Bob Wilkins Creature Feature Show”

    Saturday, Aug. 18, 2018:

    12 pm, “25 Years of Babylon 5” – Carma
    12 pm, “The ‘Perry Rhodan’ Phenomenon: 57 Years of Ongoing SF Adventures”

    4 pm, “Special Preview: Space Command” – Stay tuned for our commentary on potential future TV Show in a future episode of C-Squared

    Then we toured the art show, checked out the various exhibits of past Hugos, costumes, and photographic portraits of well-known SF writers and artists.

    Sunday, Aug. 19, 2018:

    10 am, “Christian Worship Service” – a tag-team Catholic mass and Methodist service

    11:30 am, Watched a demo of Archivos, a cool online app that lets you map all sorts of elements of a story

    Then off to the dealers’ room for some shopping

    2 pm, – “Spy-Fi: Science Fiction Thrillers”

    Back to the dealers’ room!

    Monday, Aug. 20, 2018:

    10 am, More shopping in the Dealer’s room

    12 pm, “Chesley Bonestell: A Brush with the Future” – a viewing of this documentary about the first space artist. Stay tuned for our review in a future episode of C-Squared

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